Learn from the SurePoint team how to leverage the customers that love you the most.

(1) Customer references are powerful. They help accelerate trust while selling, and they can accelerate deals by providing potential customers with social proof that “we’ll work for you too.” But building a reference program can be hard work.

(2) To build a list of potential references, start with your NPS data. Pulling out a list of your happiest customers is a great place to start. Then organize the list and start narrowing it down.

(3) References need nurturing too. Building a reference program requires you to make sure those customers stay happy and don’t feel over-used. Make sure to build in reviews to guarantee NPS scores stay high and they aren’t being bombarded with requests to talk to new customers.

Watch PG Portfolio Company SurePoint share their secrets to building a customer reference program.


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Click here to learn how to build your own Customer Reference program

SurePoint shares their approach (and how to make it better over time) in their Customer Reference handbook