Use our checklist to take an honest inventory of what you have + what you’re missing within your sales process.

(1) When you’re doing the right things, Growth can start to take care of itself. By focusing on the right customers, having the right quantity of customer conversations, and ensuring those conversations are high-quality, you put yourself and your team in the best position to grow.

(2) Effective leaders are great at closing gaps. Our Growth checklist can help you take stock of what’s working, what’s missing, and what you haven’t gotten to yet, so you can start to prioritize and close the gaps that stand between you and growth.

Wondering where to focus? Our Growth checklist can help you take stock of what’s working + what’s missing inside your sales process.

Click here to download the PG Growth Checklist for Sales teams. Then email us with questions - we’d be happy to help you put it to work.

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