A few thoughts on what makes a good forecast and how to keep it updated from one of our favorite thinkers in SaaS.

(1) A good forecast is built from multiple inputs. Consider your rep-level, manager-level, and stage-weighted forecast - looking at the forecast from several angles can tell you a lot.

(2)As this quarter progresses, “to-go” pipeline coverage becomes more and more important. You’ve already booked some deals right? Give yourself credit for those, and then keep an eye on “how much is left” - and how much pipe you have left to cover it.

(3) Don’t forget about next quarter. It’s easy to lose focus on the future by spending all your time worrying about this quarter. Build in a quick check for next quarter’s pipeline too.

“What’s the forecast this quarter?”

Every accurate forecast is triangulated - built from considering multiple views of your pipeline. Here’s some thinking from Dave Kellogg on how to build a triangulation forecast - and how to keep it updated.